
Time, Photography
The title of this is "Time". Seems ironic now that I reflect on it.
The sudden loss of my cousin makes me really think about things and what is important.
How often do we say " I wish I had more time" ? What would you really do if you were given more time?
Would you make amends?
Would you tell the people you care about how much they mean to you?
Would you be more kind?
Would you chase your dreams?
Would you worry less about things ?
Would you waste the extra time that you were given and not change?
What would you really do with the time?
Life is a process, we get caught up in the rush of every day chaos. Life is about balance, so many times we say , " just have to find the balance between this or that". Nature always balances out, it balances the soul, it grounds us, it's complicated yet simple.

Photography    8 x 10    $95.00