Larry Wolfe

<p spellcheck="false" data-ms-editor="true">I bought my first 35mm SLR, a Canon AE-1, in 1976 to take pictures on my honeymoon. In the ten years to follow, I invested a significant amount of time and money in developing a darkroom and my photography skills. I purchased studio lighting, backgrounds, camera lenses and outfitted a small darkroom. My desire at that time was to work in portrait and fashion photography. To gain experience, I photographed at the Patricia Stevens Modeling School for three years in the early 1980s.</p>
<p spellcheck="false" data-ms-editor="true">With the birth of my daughter and responsibilities of family life, photography took a back seat for the next fifteen years. In 2000 my daughter left home for college, and I became involved in photography once again. Desiring more control over my photographs but not wanting to set up another darkroom, I took the big step into digital photography. I upgraded my Canon AE equipment to a current Canon EOS 35mm SLR, purchased a film scanner and then set out to learn Adobe Photoshop. As my knowledge about digital technology grew, so did my love for the digital world. This led to the purchase of a Canon 10D digital SLR in 2003 and then an upgrade to a Canon 5D in late 2005. I presently own a Canon R5. All my photographs are taken, edited in photoshop, and printed by myself</p>
