Robin Richerson

Robin Richerson, Bronze Artist

This active artist has now found his passion in the modeling of figurative subjects. Excitement in art comes from the connection between observer and artist where both find a specific moment in time that is captured through movement, a gesture or body language. (The ability to find and portray movement in a subject is a common theme with all of my work.)

I was raised in the Midwest and have had the opportunity to travel throughout the United States and much of Europe and Asia. My travels, as well as my education, have broadened my view of a wide variety of artwork and how artists have tried to relate to various subjects. Before working in bronze, I did stone and wood carving, as well as welded steel constructions; but working in bronze allows me to go beyond the restrictions that are an inherent part of those media.

I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in studio sculpture from the University of Missouri and after graduation, I continued my art scholarship through a four-year tutelage with Kwan Wu, an internationally known sculptor.

My work has been seen in many one-man shows, juried art shows and competitions. I won several Best of Show awards. In addition to Images Art Gallery, my sculptures have been featured in galleries such as Rice Gallery in Overland Park, KS, Artichokes Gallery in Leawood, Kansas and The Bohemian Gallery in the Crossroads Art District of Kansas City.

I have completed numerous commissions, including architectural scale pieces for cities, businesses, universities and private collectors.

In 2008, the Visage Fine Art Studio was created where I work and offer private instruction in sculpture, mold-making and the casting process.
