Liesl Snyder

When I was six years old my Father gave me a K-mart brand 110 film camera before we headed out on vacation. I have been a Photographer ever since. I have made the journey from the film age to the digital age.I began my college career pursuing an Associate’s degree in photography in 1987. While doing so I had images in shows through the college, and also had an image chosen for a calendar contest that was included in a published calendar.Life’s journey changed, and while I never completely set fine art photography aside, I did not begin actively producing and showing fine art photos until the first decade of this century. The first juried show I gained entry to was through the City of Overland Park. This success inspired me to carry on, and I continued to enter images into shows and contests.Galleries I have had images hang in are: The Box Gallery, The Jones Gallery, and Images Art Gallery.I have won several awards at local shows for both black and white and color photography. A few notables are as follows: In 2018 I was one of only two photographers chosen for the Ekphrasis project that was sponsored by The Box Gallery. This included being published in the Ekphrasis book.In 2020 I was the winner of Images Art Gallery’s Plein Aire photographer’s event.I have had images awarded first place in the Cass County Fair shows and the Blue Springs art show.I strive to produce images that are not only pleasant to view, but also to convey a story or feeling. My goal is to invite someone to perceive something in a unique way and perhaps create their own story around the image and how it makes them feel.
